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Vinegar - Product made from liquids of agricultural origin - Definitions, requirements, marking
60.60 Standard published
Vinegar - Product made from liquids of agricultural origin - Definitions, requirements, marking
60.60 Standard published
Fruits and vegetables — Morphological and structural terminology
60.60 Standard published
Fruits and vegetables — Morphological and structural terminology
60.60 Standard published
Sensory analysis - Vocabulary - Amendment 1 (ISO 5492:2008/Amd 1:2016)
60.60 Standard published
Cereals, pulses and other food grains - Nomenclature (ISO 5526:2013)
60.60 Standard published
Spices and condiments - Botanical nomenclature (ISO 676:1995, including Cor 1:1997)
60.60 Standard published