This standard defines an additional test method which may be used when assessing the watertightness of curtain walling, both its fixed and openable parts. It is a supplementary test, not required for classification purposes, and it should be used only when the project specifier has determined its necessity.It describes how the outside face of a curtain walling specimen should be subjected to a continuous spray of water and a turbulent airflow, with continuous pulses of positive air pressure generated from within the chamber.
This standard applies to any curtain walling product as defined in prEN 13830:2000
Directives related to this standards.
Rregullorja (BE) Nr. 305/2011 e Parlamentit Evropian dhe e Këshillit e datës 9 Mars 2011 që parashtron kushtet e harmonizuara për tregtimin e produkteve të ndërtimit dhe shfuqizimin e Direktivës së Këshillit KEE/89/106
SSH ENV 13050:2006
Withdrawal of Standard
17 pri 2013
SSH EN 13050:2011