This European Standard specifies requirements for the design, dimensions, performance, and testing of the brake disc, hereafter called "disc". This European Standard applies to discs secured at the axle or drive-shaft of railway rolling stock by a cylindrical or conic tapered interference fit.
For each discrete unit so fitted, one or more disc brake rings, each having two axially separated friction faces, may be deployed.
This European Standard applies to discs designed to be fitted to rail vehicles used on the main national networks, urban networks, underground railways, trams and private networks (regional railways, company railways etc.).
NOTE This European Standard should be used in association with the standards prEN 15328 and CEN/TC 256 N 185 covering disc brake linings.
Directives related to this standards.
Ndërveprimi i sistemeve hekurudhore ndër-Evropiane të shpejtësisë së lartë
Të harmonizuaraProcedura prokurimi të entiteteve që veprojnë në sektorët e ujit, energjisë, transportit dhe telekomunikacionit
Direktiva 2001/16/EC e Parlamentit Europian dhe e Këshillit e 19 marsit 2001 mbi ndërveprimin e sistemit hekurudhor konvencional trans-evropian
Të harmonizuara
SSH EN 14535-1:2007
Withdrawal of Standard
SSH EN 14535-1:2005+A1:2011