ISO 15681-1:2003 specifies flow injection analysis (FIA) methods for the determination of orthophosphate in the mass concentration range from 0,01 mg/l to 1,0 mg/l (P), and total phosphorus by manual digestion in accordance with ISO 6878 for the mass concentration range from 0,1 mg/l to 10 mg/l (P). The range of application can be changed by varying the operating conditions.
ISO 15681-1:2003 is applicable to various types of water (such as ground, drinking, surface, leachate and waste waters).
This method is also applicable to the analysis of seawater, but with changes in sensitivity, by adaptation of the carrier and calibration solutions to the salinity of the samples.
Directives related to this standards.
Direktiva 2000/60/EC e Parlamentit Europian dhe e Këshillit të 23 tetor 2000 që krijon një sistem për veprimin e Komunitetit në fushën e politikës së ujit (zëvendësues Reference Direktiva 01/991 - Pozicion i Përbashkët mbi WFD)
SSH EN ISO 15681-1:2004
Standard published
24 pri 2008