IEC 60704-1:2010 applies to electric appliances (including their accessories or components) for household and similar use, supplied from mains or from batteries. By similar use is understood to be the use in similar conditions as in households, for example in inns, coffee-houses, tea-rooms, hotels, barber or hairdresser shops, launderettes, etc., if not otherwise specified in part 2. The principal changes in this edition as compared to the previous edition are as follows: includes a description of an appropriate test enclosure for appliances to be built in.
Directives related to this standards.
DIREKTIVA 2010/30/EU E PARLAMENTIT EUROPIAN DHE E KËSHILLIT e 19 maj 2010 në tregues sipas etiketimit dhe informacionit të produktit standard të konsumit të energjisë dhe të burimeve të tjera me energji të lidhur me produktet(e rinovueshme)
SSH EN 60704-1:1997
SSH EN 60704-1:2010
Standard published
1 jan 2010
SSH EN IEC 60704-1:2021