This document covers the load testing of roll containers and dollies for safety, fitness for purpose and the development of new designs.
All designs, styles and derived forms of roll containers and dollies intended for fitment of sides or not are subject to certain of the tests in Part 3, as stipulated in Part 4. Also included in the scope are roll containers partly made from non-metallic materials, such as plastic or plywood.
Dollies are subject to a more limited range of these tests as stipulated in Part 4.
Directives related to this standards.
Radha e sasive të lejuara dhe kapacitetet e lejuara për para-ambalazhimin e produkteve
Rendi i sasive nominale dhe kapaciteteve nominale të lejuara oër disa produkte të para-paketuara (Amendim ndaj Direktivës 80/232/EEC)
SSH EN 12674-3:2004
Standard published
29 dhj 2006