ISO/TR 17424:2015 surveys the status of Local Dynamic Map (LDM) regarding architecture, implementation, and standardization efforts. It summarizes the high level architectures of the most important implementations and compares it with the CEN/ETSI/ISO ITS-Station architecture.
ISO/TR 17424:2015 derives out of the application needs the requirements for a global LDM concept in terms of functionality, technical and legal aspects.
A gap analysis with existing specification and standards will be performed and recommendations towards SDOs and decision bodies will be made.
ISO/TR 17424:2015 does not give any decision on how or whether one of the solutions described is commercially feasible to be considered as an implementable offer to the user.
ISO/TR 17424:2015 considers the most important documents and research projects to the knowledge of the authors, but does not claim to be complete or free of any mistakes.
Directives related to this standards.
Direktiva 2010/40/EU e Parlamentit Europian dhe e Këshillit të datës 7 korrik 2010 në kuadrin e vendosjes së sistemeve të transportit Inteligjente në fushën e transportit rrugor dhe përballjes me mënyrat e tjera të Tekst transportit me EEA
DS CEN ISO/TR 17424:2015
Standard published
27 nën 2015