The test is principally intended for packages which are waterproof or which are intended to provide some degree of "waterproofness". The test is performed on the package as prepared for transport and may form part of a test sequence. Principle: Conditioning of the package, followed by complete immersion in water, removal and draining and drying in the conditioning atmosphere. The time of immersion, time of draining and drying and the atmospheric conditions are predetermined.
Directives related to this standards.
Radha e sasive të lejuara dhe kapacitetet e lejuara për para-ambalazhimin e produkteve
Rendi i sasive nominale dhe kapaciteteve nominale të lejuara oër disa produkte të para-paketuara (Amendim ndaj Direktivës 80/232/EEC)
SSH EN 28474:1992
Standard published
29 dhj 2006