IEC 62563-2:2021 establishes the performance CRITERIA and test frequencies for the ACCEPTANCE TESTS and CONSTANCY TESTS. The evaluation methods are defined in IEC 62563-1. The scope of this document is directed to practical tests that can be visually evaluated or measured using basic test equipment. This document applies to medical IMAGE DISPLAY SYSTEMS, which can display monochrome image information in the form of greyscale values on colour and greyscale IMAGE DISPLAY SYSTEMS. This document does not apply to information displays and to displays used solely for control of technical settings of all medical information.
IEC 62563-2:2021 ED1
Standard published
10 nën 2021
Pajisje elektrike mjekësore - Sistemet e shfaqjes së imazheve mjekësore - Pjesa 2: Provat e pranimit dhe qëndrueshmërisë për shfaqjet e imazheve mjekësore
60.60 Standard published