ISO 9096:2002 describes a reference method for the measurement of particulate matter (dust) concentration in waste gases of concentrations from 20 mg/m3 to 1000 mg/m3 under standard conditions.
ISO 9096:2002 is applicable to the calibration of automated monitoring systems (AMS). If the emission gas contains unstable, reactive or semi-volatile substances, the measurement will depend on the filtration temperature. In-stack methods may be more applicable than out-stack methods for the calibration of automated monitoring systems.
ISO 9096:1992
ISO 9096:2003
Withdrawal of Standard
21 gush 2017
ISO 9096:2003/Cor 1:2006
ISO 9096:2017
Burime të përhershme të shkarkimit të gazeve në ajër -Përcaktimi i përqëndrimit dhe niveli masrrjedhës i materialeve të veçenta në tubat gasmbajtës - Metoda manuale gravimetrike
95.99 Withdrawal of Standard