ISO 4263-2:2003 specifies a method for the determination of the ageing behaviour of hydraulic fluids of category HFC as defined in ISO 6743-4 and specified in ISO 12922. The ageing is accelerated by the presence of oxygen, water and metal catalysts at elevated temperature, and the degradation of the fluid is followed by changes in pH value and insolubles content. Other parts of ISO 4263 specify similar procedures for the determination of the ageing behaviour of mineral oils and specified categories of fire-resistant fluids used in hydraulic and other applications.
ISO 4263:1986
ISO 4263-2:2003
Standard confirmed
5 dhj 2020
Nafta dhe produktet e lidhura me të - Përcaktimi i sjelljes së vajrave dhe lëngjeve inhibues gjatë vjetërimit - Prova TOST - Pjesa 2: Mënyra e veprimit për lëngjet hidraulike të kategorisë HFC
60.60 Standard published