ISO 28001:2007 provides requirements and guidance for organizations in international supply chains to
develop and implement supply chain security processes;
establish and document a minimum level of security within a supply chain(s) or segment of a supply chain;
assist in meeting the applicable authorized economic operator (AEO) criteria set forth in the World Customs Organization Framework of Standards and conforming national supply chain security programmes.
In addition, ISO 28001:2007 establishes certain documentation requirements that would permit verification.
Users of ISO 28001:2007 will
define the portion of an international supply chain within which they have established security;
conduct security assessments on that portion of the supply chain and develop adequate countermeasures;
develop and implement a supply chain security plan;
train security personnel in their security related duties.
ISO/PAS 28001:2006
ISO 28001:2007
Standard confirmed
24 shk 2021
Sistemet e menaxhimit të sigurisë për zinxhirin e furnizimit - Praktikat më të mira për sigurinë e zbatimit të zinxhirit të furnizimit, vlerësimet dhe planet - Kërkesat dhe udhëzime
60.60 Standard published