ISO 11136:2014 describes approaches for measuring, within a controlled area, the degree to which consumers like or relatively like products.
It uses tests based on collecting consumers' responses to questions, generally on paper or via a keyboard or a touch screen. Tests of a behavioural nature (such as recording quantities consumed ad libitum by the consumers) do not fall within the scope of ISO 11136:2014.
ISO 11136:2014
Standard to be revised
1 dhj 2023
ISO 11136:2014/Amd 1:2020
ISO/AWI 11136.2
Analiza shqisore - Metodologjia - Udhëzime të përgjithshme për kryerjen e provave të kënaqësisë me konsumatorët në një zonë të kontrolluar (ISO 11136:2014)
60.60 Standard published